Registration for Youth RIGF 2022 is open
Registration for the II Youth Russian Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF 2022) has opened. Forum will be held on May 13, 2022 in the Digital Business Space (DBC) in Moscow.

The forum is organized by Center for Global IT-Cooperation. To participate in the event, we invite undergraduate and graduate students, recent graduates and anyone who is interested in the field of information technology and the topic of Internet governance, under the age of 30.

Youth RIGF will give you a chance to communicate with leading experts in the field of IT, discuss the future of the Internet, and take part in one of four sections, where speakers and participants will discuss the most relevant trends in the development of not only the Internet, but also the information technology sector in general:

eSports "Epidemic": World Growth of the Gaming Industry

"We All Live in the Matrix": the Future of the Metaverses

Captured by the World Wide Web: Content and Algorithms

Choose a Career From a Young Age: New Demands of the Old Labour Market

Interactive platforms will also be deployed as part of the event, including an arena for eSports competitions, where each participant will be able to feel like a professional player. A separate section will be held by the Youth Digital Ombudsman (YDO) team, which was formed following the results of last year's Youth RIGF. It will be devoted to the development of the YDO Institute in Russia and abroad. A discussion is also planned under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union's annual International Girls in ICT Day, where women industry leaders in Russia will speak.

In addition, within the framework of the Forum, the Center's award will be granted in two categories - "Best International Youth IT Project" and "For Contribution to International Cooperation in the Field of IT". Another award - for the "Best Educational IT Project" will be presented by the Forum's partner - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. To participate in this nomination, you must fill out a separate form:

Youth RIGF is held for the second time and is a part of the Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF), which is held annually under the auspices of the UN. Like last year, it will be held in a hybrid format. Due to the epidemiological situation, the number of participants at the venue is limited, so their selection will be made on the basis of completing a creative task - a detailed answer on the motivation for participating in the Forum (in the registration form).

The registration form for the Forum and the Center's awards and the program of the Forum are available on the website:

Application deadlines: April 15, 2022 - for participation in the award; April 28, 2022 - for registration at the Forum.

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